Friday, June 27, 2008

Surgery at the Glaus House

So it has been awhile since my last post. Summer is a crazy time at the Glaus House. The kids have had camp, we have been to the beach and just riding our bikes to the park. We also just went to como zoo as a family. For those of you not familiar como zoo is a zoo and an amusement park in one spot. Needless to say our kids love to go there. Those are the 2 pictures with the ride and Court with the kids, I am usually the one who brings the camera so I am not usually in the pictures I have noticed:)

On to new information, Court just had surgery hence the picture of him in the hospital.. He had a septoplasty, tonsillectomy and other nose help. Basically he can not breath or swallow without pain. He was never able to breathe thru his nose or smell well. His septum was deviated and he had polyps in his nose. His tonsills were also huge which is part of why sleeping with him required ear plugs and a noise machine.(no I am not kidding it was that bad) Hopefully when he heals it will all be better.

So far he is in pain , the surgery was on the 24th but doing ok. My Dad thank God for him, came up Wed so I could get Court from the hospital he stayed over night after the surgery. He then was nice enough to stay all day and help me with Court and wear out the kids see Grandpa as a pony picture. Thank you Dad I love you!!! So keep Court and the rest of us in your prayers. I am playing a nurse at work and at home.

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