Saturday, June 14, 2008

My First Post:)

Hi everyone I am finally going to be a big girl and do a blog. I love reading my friends blogs, so I thought I would make one for our family. It is a good way to keep people up on what is happening at the Glaus House. This way I will not feel as bad when I forget to call my friends and share the latest news, because if they are bored they can check online:) So to fill you in on the latest news from our house.
We still are in Hudson WI in our home we built in 2000 I can not believe it has been 8 years! We would love to build again but the housing market is terrible and we could not sell if we wanted too. So we are deciding do we settle in and do more to the house like wood floors, repaint, etc or wait a few years and maybe build again.
On to the lights of my life. The kids are doing great. Nathan will be 9 in a few weeks. He is going to be in 3rd grade this fall at Prairie Elementary. He still loves trains and we are building a family train set in the basement (look for pictures later this summer). Nathan is in baseball this summer but his real love is basketball. He also reluctantly learned to ride his bike this week and now loves to ride. If you need tips to teach a fearful child to ride a 2 wheeler ask me. Brian is 7 and also loves dinos, trains and most of all killer whales. He will be in 2nd grade this fall. He also learned to ride his bike thanks to mom this week. (yes 3 days before Nathan). Matthew or "trouble" loves everything his brothers love he is 4 and 1/2. He is very funny, loving and delights in driving Brian crazy. He will be in prek this fall. Finally Miss Megan the princess is 2 years old already. She is the light of our house. Her brothers adore her and she loves to follow them around. She is my little princess and loves all things girly.
I am still at Hudson Hospital weekends and nights(so that is when you will see most of my posts:) I love nursing I work OB and ER. It is usually exciting and fun but the sleep deprivation thing leaves something to be desired. Court is in job limbo his company restructured at Easter and he is now looking for a new job. That has been hard for him, but the kids loving having more Daddy time and I can volunteer more with school, preschool and summer things.
We went to Disney with my Dad and Rita over spring break which was wonderful. We used our timeshare and stayed together and they were amazing and bought us all plane tickets (we were going to drive). It was a great trip and we enjoyed the time together soooo much. This summer we will not take any big trips just a few days to the Dells with my Auntie Polly and family and going to the beach, zoo etc. I will try to put a few pictures on this post I am still learning how. When I get the Disney pictures from Rita I will post them with a blog. Take care to all our friends and family I will write more soon.

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